I'm spending my time here in Cambodia interning for a non-profit organization that offers aftercare to victims of sexual exploitation. That aftercare consists of a house to come home to, hot foot to eat, therapy, school, and even skateboarding.
Skateistan is a local skate park that works to connect kids to education through skating. A few of the girls I work with skate once a week and this past week I decided to come watch. The skate park is filled with kids smiling, skating, and laughing galore.
The girls walked right in there, geared up, and just went for it. Skating down ramps, weaving around other kids, and falling, tripping, slipping.
These girls are fearless.
It was amazing watching them. I was in a daze as they rushed by me back and forth.
Not only are these girls skateboarding, but they're learning a skill, learning to take chances, learning to help each other out.
The number of times I saw hands offered to a girl that fell, helping one another fix their elbow pads that were slipping down their arms, or just giving each other pats on the back to let them know they're all doing great was heart warming.
It may sound cheesy, but it's true.
These girls are learning to be leaders as they help one another perfect a certain skill.
They are learning to be brave as they fall down the half pipe and get right back up again.
These girls are learning to be friends as they hold hands to help keep each other's balance.
These girls are learning confidence, trust, and so much more.
I want to watch these girls skate every week. I cheered for them, stuck my tongue out at them, flashed them thumbs up when they gave me a quick glance, and I'm just getting to know them.
Being in Cambodia for less than two weeks I already care about these girls. I cared about them before I knew them and now I care about them even more. Whether I'm working on social media to promote this organization or teaching them English on a daily basis, these girls are the future of Cambodia, the future of the world, and they are fearless.