If you asked me one year ago where I would be today I would not have had the slightest clue. And if you told me even six months ago I would be in Cambodia I would not believe it. I may be leaving now, but I loved these past three months.
I came here for these girls. They are the reason for this whole experience. Interning in New York I knew I was helping girls somewhere, somehow in the bigger scheme of things. But I didn't want to be in a cubicle on 33rd Street. I wanted to be in Cambodia, with the girls, and seeing the change I was making.
Now that my time here is finished I know that I have accomplished that and more. I came here to see the difference I was making. I wanted that work you can see instantly - the smiles, the laughter, the improvements in English.
Making these girls smile was an accomplishment in itself. I didn't come here to be their friend. I came here to work. I came here to teach them, work with them, and distract them from the world. Making them smile is all I could have asked for. Because even if they wouldn't do their assignment that day, and barely look me in the eye, if I could get a single smile, if even for a second, that is one split second they aren't thinking about anything else. That is one split second they are happy.
Some days were terrible, most days were wonderful, and every single day with these girls was worth it. I came here for them, I did everything for them, and I acted like a complete imbecile for them just to laugh. These girls have changed my life and I can only hope I have made even the slightest impact on theirs.